News and updates about SKIN
Santa Barbara Film Festival AwardYou’d think getting hold of this piece of wood and metal would be easy as pie. But no. It proved as complicated and long-winded as discovering the secret of Pi. In the two weeks post-Festival and Tributes, my composer, sales agent and I made several attempts to contact the Marie Celeste offices of the Santa Barbara Film Festival - receiving little or no response. Finally and mysteriously, the object in question was sent - not to London as requested - but to the offices of The Little Film Company in Los Angeles. Fortunately for me, Helene Muddiman was flying to London the following week, and offered to bring it over. In a jet-lagged fug, she got confused about our meeting point. So we found ourselves on a busy corner of Oxford Street and Tottenham Court Road, exchanging packages as though concluding an illicit drug deal. And here it is - in all its gloriously garish splendour. May it spawn many more...
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